2021-04-12 18:56:00
2021-01-11 18:53:00
We are operating studios on a hybrid model at the moment-providing online lessons for those who requested and limited number of in-person lessons in studios at the same time. Please do not hesitate to contact if you have questions or concerns.
New students/trial lessons are accepted mainly by emails since office hour is random.
2020-06-01 18:54:00
We are setting our teachers back in studios from June 1st. For those who are wishing to keep Skype lessons for a little while longer we accept your preference and adopt both regular in-person lessons and Skype lessons both while keeping in touch to discuss about the situation and adjusting lesson time. While there are some students staying home still we can offer more comfortable space at studios as far as the safety from virus is concerned also. We will change room every one or 2 students to change air , sterilize the room, table and chair, keeboards, score stand etc. ,to try our best to keep the clean and safe environment for students and teachers. We thank you for your understanding and support as always.
Thank you very much.
2020-04-06 18:55:00
Musik Houseでは順次Skype でのレッスンに移行してきましたが、4月8日より5月6日までの1ヶ月間はスタジオでの対面レッスンは休業し、Skypeでのオンラインレッスンのみ行うことにいたします。オンラインのレッスンが難しい生徒さんは休会扱いにて承っております。新規のお問い合わせはメールのみの対応となります。既存の生徒さんからのご質問、自宅でのより良い練習の仕方や教材のご紹介、先生からのメッセージの伝達など密に行って行きます。大変な時期ですが、みなさん頑張って乗り切りましょう。
We decided to switch our lessons to Skype lessons conpletely from April 8th to May 6th. We will not have our regular lessons on site until then. For those who feel difficulty about taking online lesson especially for small students we take this time period as leave of absence. We only take inquiries for new students through emails during this time. We will be making much effort to answer students ' questions, giving out the resources to practice and extra materials, sending messages from teachers etc to help students as much as possible. Let's work it through together. Thank you.