The International Musik House



2022-09-05 16:19:00




The mailing system has been fixed. Thank you for your tatience. Now we can receive any contacts as usual.

2022-09-04 20:53:00


ここ数日の間メールの受信不良が起こっており、関係者の方々には大変ご迷惑をおかけしております。サイト上のお問い合わせフォームからのメッセージは受け取れますので、新規のお問い合わせ絵の方はこちらからお願いいたします。生徒さん・ご家族の方については、同じくお問い合わせのフォームをご利用いただいても良いですし、お急ぎの場合は、通常外でのイベントの時のみに使う番号をオープンにして待機しておりますので、そちらの方へメッセージ機能にてご連絡いただければ折り返しご連絡させていただきます。よろしくお願いいたします。080-6868-7078 (教室携帯)

Apologies for the technical problem about receiving emails for the last few days. It will be recovered soon but in the same time if you would like to contact for the instance please use either contact form or use message system on your phone to send messages to our school cell phone (that we usually use for student recaitals and such).080-6868-7078 Thank you.


2022-07-31 22:57:00






We will not completely be closed during Obon Week. Lesson schedule will be different depending on the facluty member

so please consult with your teacher to set the schedule for summer. Studio will be open when there are appointments either for

lessons or studio rentals. In case of the irregular open/close hours please use emails more over phone calls  for the 2nd and 3rd week of August. Thank you.




2022-06-06 17:30:00



Each instructor has different vacation dates depending on students/teachers' schedule so please be cautious about emails from office. Studio Rental will be closed from August 12 to 15th. Thank you.

2022-04-27 17:56:00

連休中の営業 Lessons during Golden Week




Trial Lessons during the Golden Week will be available if it is set by appointments in advance and depending on the teacher. Please feel free to contact office throgh inquiry form. For the current students, there dare dates that we have lessons and not have lessons so please consult with your teacher. May 2nd, 6th, 7th will be open as usual.

Thank you.


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