2023-12-09 22:19:00
年末年始のお知らせ End of Year and New Year 2024
It is close to the end of year. Our lessons will be offered untill 28th and resume on the January 9th. Please use email to contact us f you need during the break.
Studio Rental will be open except on December 30th, 31st and January 1st & 2nd. Thank you.
Wish all of you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!
2023-11-17 18:49:00
発表会のお知らせ Student Recital on November 25 Sat.
11月25日土曜日恒例生徒発表会があります。Student Recital Pageに詳細が載せてありますので、場所の確認等お願いいたします。We will have our Student REcital on the November 25th (Saturday) Details are on the page under "Student Recital"with Google Map. Please check the information including the location of the day.
2023-07-12 17:11:00

July-September Summer Campaign
No Registration Fee 3 Lessons for Summer Time (July-September) Only (You can come in 3 lessons x multiple times if you wish) Become a member after summer lessons (without registration fee) also available. More Inforemation ➡️
2023-04-21 23:40:00
PIeces from Salon Concert up on performance page